
He said in a loud voice, “Honor God and praise His greatness! For the time has come for Him to judge all people.  Worship Him who made heaven, earth, sea, and the springs of water.” Rev 14:7

Recently, we had the sweet experience of hosting a daughter’s family while their new home was being built.  Not only did we get Meghan, her husband Rob, and our granddaughter Kira to enjoy for several weeks, their dog Melvin was also included in the package. The whole story is too long to tell, but there is one aspect of their visit, having to do with Melvin in particular, that opened our eyes as to what loyalty really means.

My wife and I are not what one would call astute dog people.  Therefore, what we learned might not be that big a surprise to those who are.  The more important association we make after our “dog lesson” is where we hope it becomes more enlightening.

Every time—yes, every time Rob and Meghan would leave our home together—Melvin would go into a howling cacophony.  That would last for several minutes, if not longer.   When he was all whimpered out and in full realization that they were actually gone, he’d settle for us—clearly the ones who were second best.  Every time—yes, every time they would return, either alone or together—Melvin would launch into a Beagle mania like you might read about; complete focus with simultaneous jumping, welcoming dog song, and tail wagging.  Make no mistake… Melvin’s real masters were back on the scene!

Melvin’s behavior brings to mind the scripture found in the Book of Isaiah. The great prophet wrote, “Cattle know who owns them, and donkeys know their master feeds them. But that more than my people Israel. They don’t understand at all.” (Is 1:3)

Melvin’s “all in” worship of his human masters was a consistent, amazing, and refreshing sight to observe.  There was no question in his mind about who truly cares for him and who he lives for to trust and enjoy.

I don’t know about you, but I was convicted by my buddy, Melvin, to be more conscious of my Master, Jesus Christ, and the consistent recognition He must receive from me regarding my trust in His loving care and joyful blessings.

We are thankful to Rob and Meghan’s family for their delightful stay with us.  We praise them for their hard work and progress in building their new home for their family.  We’ll leave the worship part for them, however, to Melvin.

As for me and my house, we will persevere in worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in truth as the Bible says we must in John 4:24.  Giving thanks, praise, and worship in a more “animated” way to the One Master who created all and provided the insights and gifting to glorify Him is God’s will for us, even if it has to be revealed on the wings of a beagle!

 Isaiah 40:31


The real Melvin!