
A man that has friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.  Prov 18:24

Have you ever thought about what real friendship is?  I’m sure most of us have used the term friend to describe a variety of people; even some we barely know.  Let me qualify.  I’m referring here to an honest-to-goodness friend; someone you can count on–when everyone else high-tails it in the opposite direction.

I came across a simple definition of a friend that inspired me with a contagious joy. How’s this?  A friend is a well spring in the wilderness.  Please think about it for a second.  A well spring in the wilderness…

Do you have any well springs in your life?  Is there someone in your life who can come along during your dark, dry, lonely, and fearful times to serve as a cool and never-ending refreshment?  Are you a well spring for someone else?

There are friends, and then… there are friends!  At this point in our lives, my wife Cynthia and I desire to have and be ”well spring” friends.  In countless ways, our desire is being fulfilled.  We’re fortunate to include some of you reading this in the category of “well spring” friends.  In addition, we celebrate each other as closest “well spring” friends (even in spite of our being married).  Most amazing is our deep trust that, as important as you may be to us and us to each other, there’s one well spring of refreshment in our life that stands alone.

We thank Jesus Christ (Almighty God), our highest “well spring” friend of all.  Why?  Because He created us, forgave and redeemed us, rooted us in His living water of life, brought us together as husband and wife, and has provided an opportunity for us to converge with you as “well spring” friends.

As you may have already noted, the Spiritual friend the scripture refers to who sticks closer than a brother is Jesus Christ, Himself.  He is also the One who has called those who obediently follow Him more than His servants—Yes, His friends! (John 15:14-15)

Perhaps our greatest opportunity this moment is to graduate from simply believing in Jesus to actually believing Him and receiving His friendship accordingly. In faith, a week with well spring friends is promised those of us who do!!

  Matthew 22:35-40.